Thursday, January 14, 2010

Seth & Kerry: A Blast To The Past

When Seth called me and said they wanted to do a 50's themed engagement shoot I was all about it! I love a goo concept shoot. I was especially excited for this one because I thought I might get to seriously light it!

When we talked about where this would take place they said that Kerry's place had the perfect front porch. I basically packed up all of my gear because I didn't know what the porch looked like, what direction it was facing, where the sun would be... and the equipment  doesn't do me any good back at the studio. So when I got there I was pleasantly surprised to find that the problems that normally make me yank my hair out in large clumps where not present here.

First, the sun was behind the house leaving the porch and front yard completely in shadow... "YES, I can control this!" I wanted to create a bright summer day feel with really saturated colors. So, I set up a B1600 as my key light on an umbrella just to camera left on a c-stand up high. I had to put a couple sand bags on it because we had to have it extend over the planter you see on the right in the first shot.

Then I set up a fill almost directly behind my camera position and two lights towards the back to create that sun coming in feel. It took a few minutes to figure out the shadows as the rim and key light were making double shadows on the wall. We got it all squared way and off we went.

f/11 - 1/200 - ISO200

f/5.6 - 1/125 - ISO100

f/5.6 - 1/125 - ISO100

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