Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Handheld HDR - Put into practice

A while ago I did a post about hand held HDR and I finally got a chance to put it into practice. This  wedding at a Catholic Cathedral in Downtown Los Angeles was the perfect setting. It was dimly lit inside with huge windows up high and tungsten bulbs running across the ceiling. It was hard to decide between black and white and color for the final image, but in the end, the black and white just had a certain character.

A few moving subjects made for a small challenge, but all together I spent maybe 5 minutes in photoshop. Still working on the technique but I can see an application for this in the future!

Final image - 3 exposures.


Here are the three original images I used to make the final HDR.

Here was another test I did while scouting a location for "Seth and Kerry Bridal Reshoot"
Final Image - 3 exposures



  1. Very nice shots. Can't really see the HDR though as I didn't see the three shots you worked from.

  2. Thanks Levonne, I posted those for you.
